Zara the Sandwalker

Basic Information:

  • Name: Zara the Sandwalker
  • Race & Class: Human Ranger (Desert Nomad)
  • Occupation/Role: Guide and protector of the SandOasis tribe, wanderer of the desert
  • Alignment: Neutral Good

Physical Description:

  • Appearance: Zara is of average height but stands tall with a calm, commanding presence. Her sun-kissed skin and weathered face speak of years spent surviving the harsh desert. Only her piercing green eyes are visible beneath a flowing headscarf (keffiyeh) of faded sand colors, blending her into the dunes.
  • Mannerisms: Zara often scans the horizon, her hand gently brushing the hilt of her scimitar. She moves with purposeful grace and listens intently before speaking.
  • Voice: Her voice is steady and low, like the whisper of the wind across the dunes. She speaks slowly, choosing her words carefully, with a slight desert accent.

Personality & Motivations:

  • Traits: Stoic, cautious, and deeply connected to the desert’s rhythms. She has a strong sense of duty and hospitality.
  • Ideals: Zara believes in balance with nature, respecting the desert as both a harsh mother and a guide. She helps others who show respect to the sands but will not tolerate greed or destruction.
  • Bonds: Deeply tied to her tribe and the secrets of the SandOasis. She carries the weight of being a protector and guide.
  • Flaws: Zara can be slow to trust, wary of outsiders who seek to exploit the desert for wealth or power.
  • Goals/Motivations: Zara seeks to understand the recent expansion of the desert, believing ancient forces are awakening. She hopes to find a way to protect her tribe from these dangers.
  • Fears: She fears losing control over the growing chaos in the desert, and the potential destruction of the SandOasis tribe. Zara avoids large bodies of water, having nearly drowned as a child.

Role in the Story:

  • Background/History: Zara was born into the nomadic SandOasis tribe, renowned for their desert knowledge and resilience. As a child, she was trained to read the sands, navigate shifting dunes, and predict the desert’s many dangers. Recently, she has been tasked by her tribe to investigate unusual disturbances in the desert—whispers of ancient relics resurfacing and unnatural creatures prowling.
  • Connection to the Players: Zara is an invaluable guide for players lost in the desert or seeking ancient relics. She may offer to lead them to safety or provide information on the strange events in the sands, especially if they show respect for the land.
  • Secrets/Hidden Agendas: Zara has discovered that her tribe’s oasis is built over an ancient ruin, possibly connected to the desert’s recent upheavals. She’s quietly seeking adventurers to help uncover the truth, but she fears this knowledge could doom her people.

Abilities and Resources:

  • Stat Block/Abilities:
    • AC: 15 (Light Armor)
    • HP: 65
    • Speed: 30 ft.
    • Skills: Survival +7, Stealth +5, Perception +6
    • Attacks: Scimitar (+6 to hit, 1d6+4 slashing), Longbow (+5 to hit, 1d8 piercing)
    • Spellcasting (Ranger Spells):
      • 1st Level (3 slots): Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark, Detect Magic
      • 2nd Level (2 slots): Pass Without Trace, Lesser Restoration
  • Equipment:
    • Weapons: A curved scimitar with a gleaming blade, worn but well-cared for, and a longbow of desert wood.
    • Armor: Light leather armor, well-suited for desert travel.
    • Gear: A sturdy pack containing a bedroll, rations, flint and steel, healing herbs, and a tattered map of ancient ruins buried beneath the desert. She rides a sand-colored camel capable of long-distance travel.

Plot Hooks:

  1. Ancient Relics: Zara has seen signs of ancient ruins emerging as the sands shift. She knows of a relic that could either protect or destroy the desert but needs help locating it.
  2. Desert Activity: Zara has spotted increased movement across the dunes, both day and night. Some travelers she recognizes as raiders, while others are unknown forces.
  3. Shifting Sands: The desert is expanding, consuming nearby settlements and threatening Zara’s tribe. She fears that something buried deep in the sands is causing this unnatural growth.

Dialogue Options:

  1. Inquiry About Their Mission:
    “Strangers in these barren lands, what brings you so far from the safety of your home? The desert grows restless, and I must know if your purpose aligns with the whispers of the sands.”
  2. Warning About the Expanding Desert:
    “The desert’s reach is growing, stretching farther than I have ever seen. Have you felt the earth shifting beneath you? There are forces at play here, beyond the grasp of ordinary understanding.”
  3. Offer of Guidance:
    “If you seek shelter or guidance in this vast expanse, I may be able to help. I know these sands well and can guide you to safer paths, but I need to understand your destination and what you seek.”
  4. Cryptic Clue About the Oasis:
    “The oasis you seek is no mere sanctuary; it holds secrets beneath its waters. An ancient spirit guards it, bound by old magic. Approach with respect, or you may awaken something best left undisturbed.”
  5. Offer of Assistance or Supplies:
    “I carry supplies and knowledge for those who traverse these lands. If you are in need, share with me your needs, and I shall see what I can offer.”


