Thalana Druid of Ebonwood

Basic Information

  • Name: Thalana Moonshadow
  • Race & Class: Elf, Circle of the Moon Druid
  • Occupation/Role: Guardian of the Forest
  • Alignment: Neutral Good

Physical Description

  • Appearance: Thalana is tall and lithe, with flowing silver hair that cascades down her back, catching the occasional dapple of light through the forest canopy. Her deep green eyes are sharp and discerning, constantly scanning her surroundings with a quiet wisdom. She is dressed in a cloak of greens and browns that blends perfectly with the forest, making her appear almost as a part of the landscape itself. Her staff, a living piece of wood entwined with vines and flowers, seems to pulse with a subtle, mystical energy.
  • Mannerisms:
    • Thalana moves with an effortless grace, each step measured and quiet.
    • She has a habit of running her fingers through her vines-encrusted staff when deep in thought.
    • Her voice is soft, almost a whisper, but with a commanding undertone that demands attention.
  • Voice: Low and melodic, with a faint accent from an ancient dialect of Elvish. She speaks slowly, choosing her words carefully, often using poetic or metaphorical language.

Personality & Motivations

  • Traits:
    • Wise and perceptive, always calm even in the face of danger.
    • Compassionate toward nature and living beings, but distrustful of those who disrupt the balance.
  • Ideals:
    • The natural world is sacred and must be preserved at all costs.
    • Harmony between all living beings is essential for true peace.
  • Bonds:
    • She is deeply connected to the forest, viewing it as her family and home.
    • Thalana holds a protective bond with the Circle of the Moon druids who trained her, though they are scattered across the land.
  • Flaws:
    • Distrusts cities and those who seek to manipulate nature for personal gain.
    • Can be uncompromising in her views, sometimes blind to alternative solutions that don’t involve nature’s dominance.
  • Goals/Motivations:
    • Short-term: To restore balance to the forest after recent disturbances caused by unnatural forces.
    • Long-term: To preserve her forest against encroachment from civilization and keep its ancient magic hidden from those who would exploit it.
  • Fears and Weaknesses:
    • She has an inherent fear of fire due to its destructive nature against her beloved forest.
    • Her bond with nature makes her vulnerable to powerful spells or curses that disrupt the natural order.

Role in the Story

  • Background/History:
    Thalana has lived for centuries in the heart of the forest, long enough to witness both the growth of new civilizations and the fall of old ones. She was once a wandering druid, but after the untimely destruction of a sacred grove, she vowed to protect the forests of the land. Her knowledge of the old magics and the spirits of the forest runs deep, but she keeps much of it hidden from outsiders. Recently, disturbances in the balance of nature have forced her out of isolation to seek aid in protecting her home.
  • Connection to the Players:
    • Thalana might seek out the party to aid her in stopping a dark force that threatens the forest. She could offer her guidance and knowledge of the wilds, but only if she trusts them.
    • Alternatively, the party could encounter her as an obstacle if their quest involves something that may harm her forest. She would challenge them to prove their worth and intentions before offering any help.
  • Secrets/Hidden Agendas:
    • Thalana is hiding the existence of an ancient magical artifact buried deep within the forest, one that could tip the balance of power in the wrong hands.
    • She has struck secret bargains with forest spirits, giving them the power to protect her land in exchange for pieces of her own vitality.

Abilities and Resources

  • Stat Block/Abilities:
    • AC: 15 (Natural Armor from Wild Shape)
    • HP: 78 (Druid Level 9)
    • Spellcasting: Thalana is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared:
      • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Produce Flame, Guidance
      • 1st Level: Entangle, Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire
      • 2nd Level: Moonbeam, Lesser Restoration
      • 3rd Level: Call Lightning, Plant Growth
      • 4th Level: Conjure Woodland Beings, Grasping Vine
      • 5th Level: Wall of Thorns
    • Wild Shape: Thalana can transform into powerful beasts of CR 3 or lower, favoring creatures like dire wolves and giant eagles.
  • Equipment:
    • A wooden staff entwined with living vines, which she uses as a focus for her spells.
    • A necklace of rare forest crystals that amplifies her connection to nature, granting her +2 to Wisdom saving throws.
    • Healing potions made from rare forest herbs.
  • Skills/Proficiencies:
    • Skills: Perception +8, Nature +10, Stealth +6
    • Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit, Nature
  • Magical Abilities:
    • Thalana can commune with the forest to gain insight into events within a 5-mile radius, as long as she spends at least 10 minutes meditating with the trees.

Plot Hooks

  • Quest or Event Trigger:
    Thalana approaches the party with a request to help fend off dark forces encroaching upon the forest, potentially linked to the villains the party is already pursuing. She offers information on the artifact that the players are seeking, but only after they prove their loyalty by aiding her.
  • Future Potential:
    Thalana could become a recurring ally, assisting the party with information about nature or offering safe passage through dangerous wilderness areas. However, if the players ever harm the forest, she could turn into a formidable enemy, using her druidic powers to hinder their progress.


