Alden Ironwood, Militia Guard

Rank: 0 (Entry Level or Militia)

Alden Ironwood is a sturdy and dependable guard serving in the entry-level ranks of the militia. Standing at an above-average height, he possesses a robust and muscular build, hinting at his physical strength and endurance. Alden has a weathered face with a strong jawline, deep-set hazel eyes that reflect determination, and short, neatly-trimmed brown hair that is starting to show flecks of gray.

He dons a standard-issue guard uniform, tailored to fit his broad frame. The armor he wears is well-maintained, made of polished iron plates with the emblem of his city prominently displayed. A large warhammer hangs from his belt, its weight a testament to his preference for close-quarters combat.

Alden’s experience as a guard and his unwavering dedication to his duties make him a reliable presence in the militia. He may not possess flashy combat skills or exceptional agility, but he compensates with his unwavering resolve and steadfastness. Alden is known for his disciplined nature and adherence to the rules, ensuring the safety and order of the community he serves.

Outside of his guard duties, Alden enjoys spending time honing his martial skills, often engaging in rigorous training sessions to maintain his physical prowess. He also has a keen interest in woodworking, finding solace in crafting wooden items during his downtime. His quiet and introspective nature often leads him to seek solace in the tranquility of nature, finding peace among the towering trees of the nearby forest.

When interacting with others, Alden is reserved yet approachable. He carries himself with a calm and composed demeanor, projecting an air of reliability and dependability. Though not the most talkative person, his words hold weight and wisdom, and he is always willing to offer advice or lend a helping hand to those in need.

Alden embodies the virtues of loyalty and duty, standing as a pillar of strength within the guard. Despite his rank, he is respected by his fellow guards for his unwavering commitment to his responsibilities. Alden takes pride in serving his community and is determined to protect the innocent and uphold justice, forging a safer future for all who reside within the realm.


