Emily Hastings, Maid servant

Emily Hastings is a young and spirited woman who currently serves as a dedicated house maid to a village noble. Her chestnut hair is neatly pulled back into a practical bun, framing her freckled face and hazel eyes that hold a glimmer of curiosity and ambition. Emily’s attire consists of a well-kept maid uniform, a testament to her commitment to her duties and the respect she holds for her position.

Personality Traits: Emily is driven by her dreams of grandeur and prosperity, which are often fueled by the stories she imagines and the adventures she craves. Despite her current role as a maid, she remains resourceful and quick-witted, always on the lookout for opportunities that could bring her closer to the exciting life she envisions.

Ideal: Emily yearns for a life filled with excitement and abundance. She believes that there is more to her journey than her current position as a maid, and she strives to uncover opportunities that could lead her to new experiences and a brighter future.

Bond: Emily feels a strong connection to her employer, the village noble she serves. She respects their position and admires their lifestyle, which serves as a constant reminder of the possibilities that lie beyond her current role. Emily’s ambition fuels her dedication to her duties, as she hopes to gain knowledge, skills, and connections that may propel her towards her own aspirations.

Flaw: Emily’s ambitious nature sometimes leads her to overlook practical considerations. Her imagination often paints a vivid picture of the life she desires, which can create moments of discontentment when reality falls short. Nevertheless, she remains determined to pursue her dreams, seeking every opportunity to bridge the gap between her current circumstances and the future she envisions.

Note: This NPC character sheet is based on the description provided. Feel free to make any modifications or additions to suit your specific needs for the character.


