Gorrim Blackbeard, Tavern proprietor

Gorrim Blackbeard, the boisterous tavern owner of Ivydale, is a formidable figure with a heart as big as his booming laugh.

Standing tall and broad-shouldered, his long, jet-black beard earned him his famous moniker. His establishment, known as “Gorrim’s Hearth,” is the heart and soul of Ivydale, where locals and travelers gather to swap stories and share in his potent, home-brewed mead. With a hearty voice that can fill the room, Gorrim regales patrons with tales of daring adventures, both his own and those of others, as he pours tankards of mead with unmatched enthusiasm. Behind his jovial demeanor lies a shrewd mind that’s quick to pick up on rumors and secrets. If you seek knowledge, a warm welcome, or a chance to embark on a quest, Gorrim Blackbeard’s tavern is the place to be in Ivydale.


