Marigold Greenleaf, Tavern proprietor

Marigold Greenleaf, the beloved tavern owner of “The Golden Chalice” in the heart of Sunhaven, epitomizes the spirit of hospitality in the bustling capital of our realm. With a warm, inviting smile and emerald eyes that seem to hold a thousand stories, Marigold welcomes travelers and locals alike into her cozy establishment.

Her vibrant auburn hair, often adorned with wildflowers, adds to her charm. Marigold is not only a master of brewing the finest ales and stouts but also a renowned purveyor of information and wisdom. She possesses an uncanny ability to recall the most obscure tales and legends, making her a sought-after source of knowledge for adventurers. Beneath her cheerful exterior lies a shrewd businesswoman who navigates the intricate webs of Sunhaven’s politics with grace and discretion. Many secrets pass through the hallowed wooden beams of her tavern, making Marigold Greenleaf an indispensable figure in the city’s bustling life.


