Oakridge Village

Welcome to Oakridge Village, a place with a long-standing history rooted in agriculture and travel. Once a bustling hub, the village now finds itself at the end of the road, where the environment takes on a darker and colder tone compared to the warmer southern villages. Despite the challenges faced by the villagers, they remain resilient and kind-hearted, their hardships forging a tight-knit community.

Life in Oakridge Village is not easy, as the crop yields are harder to come by in these harsher conditions. Merchants rarely venture this way, leaving the village somewhat isolated from the bustling trade routes of the kingdom. However, the villagers take pride in their ability to endure, and their resilience unites them in their shared hope for brighter times ahead.

While the resources are scarce, Oakridge Village still manages to export its agricultural products. The villagers work tirelessly in their fields, growing crops that have adapted to the challenging environment. Additionally, the surrounding wilderness hides rare herbs that thrive in the colder climate, which are sought after by alchemists in the larger towns and villages. These precious herbs provide a valuable source of income for the villagers and a connection to the wider world beyond their secluded village.

As you enter Oakridge Village, you will encounter a community of tough and tenacious individuals who support one another through their shared struggles. Despite the hardships, the village retains a sense of warmth and hope, as its inhabitants look towards a brighter future while holding onto the traditions and heritage that have sustained them for generations

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