Selene Frostbane, Guard Rank 1

Rank: 1 (Trained Guard)

Selene Frostbane is a skilled and resolute guard serving in the rank of 1, representing the trained guards of the militia. Standing at an average height, she possesses an athletic and lithe build, hinting at her agility and physical conditioning. Selene’s ice-blue eyes shimmer with a sharp intelligence and unwavering focus, perfectly matching her dark mid-length hair that falls in loose waves to her mid-back.

She wears a meticulously maintained guard uniform, tailored to allow for fluid movement while maintaining a professional appearance. The armor she dons is crafted with precision and combines lightweight materials with reinforced sections, ensuring both protection and agility. Selene carries a sleek and elegant rapier at her side, showcasing her mastery in the art of fencing.

Selene’s training and experience are evident in her composed and calculated approach to her guard duties. With a calm and collected demeanor, she exudes an air of confidence and control. Selene possesses a deep understanding of combat techniques and is skilled in precision strikes and defensive maneuvers.

When interacting with others, Selene maintains a poised and professional demeanor. She speaks with measured and articulate words, valuing both diplomacy and clarity. Selene is known for her strategic thinking and ability to assess situations with precision, making her a trusted advisor and mentor among her fellow guards.

Selene’s exceptional training and her dedication to her craft make her a respected member of the guard, representing the rank of 1 with distinction. She aspires to further refine her skills, continuing her pursuit of knowledge and mastery. Selene Frostbane stands as a symbol of martial prowess, ready to face any challenge with grace, intelligence, and unwavering determination.


