Thalgar Ironmug, Tavern proprietor

Thalgar Ironmug, the venerable tavern owner of Ivydale, is a stout and affable dwarf with a thick, grizzled beard that flows like molten copper. His tavern, known as “Thalgar’s Hearth,” is a welcoming haven adorned with polished oak beams, flickering lanterns, and the rich scent of hearty stew.

Thalgar is renowned for his hearty laughter and hearty meals, served in generous portions. His booming voice fills the tavern as he regales patrons with tales of his mining days and the hidden treasures of the nearby dwarven mines. Thalgar’s worn apron bears the marks of countless culinary victories, and he’s equally skilled at brewing ales as he is at concocting remedies for weary travelers. Beneath his jovial exterior, Thalgar is a shrewd observer of Ivydale’s politics and secrets, making him an invaluable source of information for adventurers seeking more than just a satisfying meal in his cozy establishment.


