The Ivybank Barge, Riverside

The Ivybank Barge, nestled along the tranquil west bank of the river, serves as a vital pit stop for travelers awaiting the tender boats and rafts that ferry them across the water. Closer to Ivy Dale Town, this rustic establishment has become an oasis for weary adventurers and traders on their way to Fernwood Village and other small hamlets scattered throughout the realm. The tavern itself is a stout, weather-beaten barge converted into a welcoming inn, its wooden exterior adorned with ivy creeping up its sides, giving it its name.

Inside, the atmosphere is cozy and inviting, with polished wooden tables and a warm, crackling fireplace at the center. The murmur of hushed conversations mixes with the occasional clinking of tankards, creating an ambiance of camaraderie. The walls are adorned with nautical memorabilia, including weathered maps and the preserved head of a legendary river beast said to have been vanquished by a group of brave adventurers.

Outside, a sprawling wooden deck extends over the river’s edge, providing a breathtaking view of the water and the verdant landscape beyond. When the river’s waters turn turbulent, travelers often set up temporary camps nearby, waiting for the currents to calm before crossing. The current travel fees, clearly posted for all to see, ensure the continued operation of the Ivybank Barge as a vital river crossing point, with a rate of 1 gp for single travelers and 2 gp for those with wagons.

The Ivybank Barge is more than just a tavern; it’s a hub of information, a place for stories to be swapped, and a respite for those journeying through the picturesque yet unpredictable river region.

Majestic Ivydale Sunhaven Bridge: Forging a Path to Prosperity



