The Trade Guild

The Trade Guild Hall in Ivydale stands as a grand testament to commerce and unity. Crafted from sturdy stone and fine timber, its imposing structure houses the bustling meeting halls of diverse trade guilds. Several entrances, adorned with intricate carvings representing different crafts, welcome visitors into the expansive space.

At its core lies a vast hall, where representatives from various guilds convene. The upper levels boast large windows that allow natural light to cascade down, illuminating the meetings below. The mingling scents of aged wood and the faint aroma of ink and parchment linger in the air, a testament to the constant exchange of ideas and agreements within these walls.

Some guild ideas:

  1. Artificer’s Guild: Mastering magical creations, enchantments, and tinkering with arcane devices.
  2. Explorer’s Guild: Sending expeditions to unearth ancient ruins, discover new territories, and map uncharted lands.
  3. Miner’s Guild: Focused on excavation, mining operations, and gemstone prospecting.
  4. Merchant’s Consortium: Facilitating trade, managing caravans, and controlling lucrative imports and exports.
  5. Bardic College: Training bards in musical arts, lore preservation, and the art of storytelling through performance.
  6. Craftsman’s Union: Housing skilled artisans in various disciplines like blacksmithing, carpentry, and leatherworking.
  7. Alchemy Association: Practicing the art of potion-making, herbalism, and experimenting with magical elixirs.
  8. Temple Guardians: A guild devoted to divine service, healing, and safeguarding religious artifacts and lore.
  9. Arcane Researchers Society: Delving into magical studies, conducting experiments, and deciphering ancient texts.
  10. Gladiator’s League: Organizing tournaments, honing combat skills, and entertaining the masses with daring feats.
  11. Nature’s Keepers: Committed to preserving natural habitats, studying flora and fauna, and maintaining the balance.
  12. Thieves’ Syndicate: Operating in the shadows, specializing in stealth, infiltration, and clandestine operations.
  13. Mystic Order: Exploring the mystical arts, delving into prophecy, and practicing esoteric rituals.
  14. Guild of Engineers: Pioneering technological advancements, constructing siege weapons, and designing complex mechanisms.
  15. Town Watch & Protectors: Enforcing law and order, defending against threats, and maintaining the town’s security.


