Willie Wander, the ‘Wanderer.’

In the realm of Fernwood and Oakwood Villages, there roams a figure known as Willie Wander, the ‘Wanderer.’ Willie is a lean and fit man with a perpetual glimmer of wonder in his eyes. He finds joy in walking and traveling, his feet carrying him through vast landscapes, his mind wandering in dreams and reveries as he explores the world around him.

Having chosen a simple life, Willie owns little in worldly goods, finding contentment in the small hut he calls home, nestled amidst the wilderness where the boundaries of Fernwood and Oakwood meet. Despite lacking a formal education, he has become intimately familiar with the regions he’s traversed over the years, leaving him with an encyclopedic knowledge of the lands he walks.

To make a living, Willie runs delivery errands for the villagers, eagerly delivering small items and messages, serving as a reliable messenger in the community. With a friendly face, he frequents the local Taverns and Inns, always opting for thrifty choices on the menu, content with simple food and modest accommodations.

However, Willie’s heart holds aspirations far beyond his humble current state. Secretly, he nurtures a grand plan to improve his situation. One day, he dreams of acquiring a donkey and cart, a small step that could significantly enhance his earnings. But the dreams don’t stop there; he envisions a future with a full wagon, pulled by a horse, and even multiple wagons to transport larger quantities of goods.

His dreams are not born of greed or ambition but rather a longing for self-improvement and the desire to provide a better life for himself. As he wanders the countryside, he spends countless hours daydreaming, envisioning the possibilities that lie ahead, fueled by hope and a spirit of adventure.

By strategically living near the border of the two villages, Willie cunningly manages to avoid the 1 sp village entry tax. The villagers consider him a local in both Fernwood and Oakwood, affording him a certain level of status and exemption.

In a world filled with complexities and ambitions, Willie Wander stands out as a humble soul who cherishes the simplicity of life, finding fulfillment in the beauty of nature and the thrill of walking. With a long game plan in mind and an unwavering determination to make his dreams come true, Willie remains a friendly face in the villages and an inspiration to those who cross paths with him on his wandering journeys.



